At CPS we believe that preparation is the key to a long-lasting re-paint. We don’t just paint over damaged surfaces. CPS will identify damaged surfaces and raise the issues we have identified with the customer. If the customer would like building repairs performed prior to painting we are happy to assist. We can offer the following:
- Plasterboard fixing and stopping
- Replacement of rotten or damaged timber
- Replacement of damaged and missing putty
- Filling and plastering of holes/cracks
- Replacement of damaged or rusted surfaces
Often, we are asked to re-paint buildings which are badly affected by moss, mould and lichen. At CPS we have all the equipment required to remove moss, mould, lichen, carbon, cob webs and other debris prior to paint application. We also offer the following:
- High pressure washing
- Low pressure washing
- Chemical treatments
Often customers are not aware of the condition of their roofs. While CPS are onsite, we will inspect your roof to alert you to any damage or issues which may cause leaks etc. At CPS we have all the equipment required to repair and re-paint roofs including large spray paint units and water blasting equipment. We also offer the following:
- Chemical washing
- Chemical treatment
- Guttering and roofing iron repairs
- Re-painting
- Application of rust inhibiting products
CPS have been contracted to re-paint the most heavily used floors at tyre shops, mechanics, gymnasiums, school halls and body corporate lobbies and foyers. Floors can be tricky and expensive to re-paint. We are happy to offer you options to suit your budget. We also offer the following:
- Penetrating oils and stains
- Acrylic coatings
- Deck and path coatings
- High performance coatings
- Clear coatings
The Auckland region is surrounded by the sea. We are lucky to have the east and west coast at our door step but unfortunately ferrous metals are prone to corrosion in our marine environment. CPS have all the equipment and experience to remove white and red rust from steel work and apply rust inhibiting and specialised coatings to surfaces to prevent further damage. We also offer the following:
- Application of rust inhibiting products
- Floors
- Graffiti resistant coatings
Often, we are asked to paint badly damaged windows. The key to a great result is to ensure all damaged putty is replaced and any broken glass is replaced prior to paint application. We are happy to engage a glazier on your behalf and work with them through the preparation process. Repairs may include the following:
- Removal of damaged and brittle putty
- Application of new putty or glazing compounds
- Removal of broken glass
- Installation of new glass
- Steel sash and rust repairs
Graffiti is a big problem in Auckland. If we have already painted your building then we know exactly the colour and sheen used, therefore painting out graffiti is a very simple process for us. You may also want to consider the application of specialised graffiti resistant coatings, whether it be clear coat or tinted, CPS are highly experienced in the application of graffiti resistant products and graffiti removal. We can also offer the following:
- Painting out graffiti
- Application of graffiti resistant coatings
- Graffiti removal
These days customers don’t like being “locked” into expensive, long term painting contracts. Just let us know how much you would like to spend annually and we will tailor a flexible paint maintenance plan to suit your properties requirements. At CPS we are happy to work within your budget to help you re-paint and maintain your property over a period of time.
At CPS we highly recommend you maintain your recently painted property to a high standard to ensure the property is looking smart year-round and to minimise expensive preparation costs in the future.